Featured Articles
2025 LLDC

Join us January April 5th at Camp Carpenter, Manchester, NH
All Arrowmen are welcomed. Enjoy leadership training from fellow Arrowmen, have fun with your friends during fellowship. You’ll have the opportunity to managing and leading, planning events, understanding the OA’s purpose and structure, and more,
Items to Bring to LLDC:
- Notebook and Pen
- Water Bottle
- Scout Uniform with Sash
- Patches for trading
- Scouting Spirit
Check in begins at 8:30am in the Dining Hall & Event ends at 5:00pm
All check ins and check outs will take place in the Dining Hall.
More information in the guide book: LLDC 2025 Guide Book
All participants must register prior to the event
Event Cost $20

Passaconaway Lodge Annual Dues
It’s time to renew your membership in the Order of the Arrow! Passaconaway Lodge has exciting new things planned for you this year! Don’t miss out on these great opportunities … make sure you stay connected by paying your annual dues!
Why should I pay dues? Dues keep you listed as an active member of Passaconaway Lodge. Only active members will receive emailed/paper mailed information and newsletters, as well as count towards our lodge membership list. You must also be dues-paying in order to attend our top-quality OA events throughout the year, such as Fun Weekend, Spring Fellowship, Fall Fellowship, and Black Bear Jamboree, as well as other great opportunities that the OA can offer.
You must be currently registered in the BSA to be in the OA.
The annual dues have been set at $20 plus a $1 online service fee.
Passaconaway Lodge, Daniel Webster Council News
2025 fun weekend

Join us January 10th – 12th at GSR’s Easter Seals Lodge for our annual Winter Fun Weekend.
Indulge in Video Games, Board Games, Arcade Games, Card Games, and Skiing at this weekend’s Fun event. Bring your favorite games to play with your fellow Arrowmen and get ready for a crazy weekend. The only rule (Aside from all rules covered and conducted by Scouting Americas Guide to Safe Scouting) is to be at least present at each meal.
Recommended Items to Bring to Fun Weekend
- Any electronic, Board, or Card games you feel comfortable bringing
- Weather-appropriate clothes for hanging out inside and being outside
- A water Bottle
- A sleeping Bag
- A friend from your chapter
Skiing participants are required to book and pay for that seperately. Transportation from GSR to Gunstock will be provided.
Funspot participants will have the option during registration to pay for tokens in advance at the group rate..
****Check-in will be at the Easter’s Seals Lodge ****
Please arrive on Friday, January 10th between 6:00pm and 7:30pm
Dismissal is on Sunday, January 12th at about 11:00am
All participants must register prior to the event to be able to participate. Registration is limited so don’t delay.