
About: Abnaki Chapter serves the Abnaki District in Eastern NH! We do a ton of cool and fun events such as indoor climbing, escape rooms, pumpkin carving, bowling and more! Our chapter currently has over 20 youth members and we are growing. One of our annual meetings to look forward to is our October chapter meeting, which is a pumpkin carving event! Get ready for lots of great carved pumpkins and candy!
Meeting Info: Our chapter meets the second Thursday of the month (September through June) from 7 to 8:30 PM at the Rochester City Blessing Church – 159 Rochester Hill Rd, Rochester, NH. This is the same time and place as our District Roundtable.
Contact Us: Chapter Chief (youth): Jason Osgood – abnaki.chief@lodge220.org
Chapter Advisor (adult): Mrs. Elaine Boyd – abnaki@lodge220.org
Rochester City Blessings Church
159 Rochester Hill Road
Rochester, NH 03867