Passaconaway Lodge History
1942 – On June 10, the Passaconaway Lodge was organized at Camp Manning, 43 members were inducted that year. The totem of the lodge was chosen as the bear since the Indian word Passaconaway means “the child of the bear.” Election of the first lodge officers took place.
1944 – On December 9, the first lodge meeting was held at the Chamber of Commerce home on Market St., Manchester with 32 members in attendance. The Constitution and
1947 – On June 21 and 22, 13 men were inducted into the Brotherhood Honor at Camp Carpenter. During the summer, the arrow circle was built. In August, 69 candidates who had been elected each week during the summer, were inducted into the order. This was the first time that all the candidates were inducted at one time.
The first lodge bulletin was put out in October of that year, and on the 26th of that month a lodge meeting was held at the Belknap recreation area in Gilford, in conjunction with the Daniel Webster Council annual meeting. At this time six individual chapters were organized. They were as follows: North, South, Central, Manchester, West and East Chapters. There were 108 active members at this time and total assets of $108.00.
Among the items available to lodge members were “Lodge Totems (Bear)” at the cost of 25 cents. These were probably the red on white felt bears which were worn on the right pocket.
1948 – On May 14 to 16, the first Area A Meeting was held at Camp Carpenter with 11 lodges and 125 brothers in attendance. Passaconaway Lodge was in charge of the Brotherhood Ceremony which was only a part of the splendid program that was offered. The Chief Scout Executive of Finland, Major Aake Peseron, who was the Honored Guest of the weekend, was made an Honorary member of the Order of the Arrow. This gathering was the beginning of what are known as conclaves today.
A delegation of six attended the National Lodge Meeting in Bloomington, Indiana from 1 to 3 September. Lodge Staff Advisor Paul E. Wemple, was one of 35 attendees to receive the Vigil Honor during ceremonies conducted by Unami Lodge during the meeting. He was the first Vigil of the Lodge.
On October 10th, Camp Carpenter promotion was introduced at the lodge meeting. Later that month, on the 24th, the lodge dramatized the Legend of the Lenni Lenape at the council banquet. The year ended with 214 active members and total assets of $35.00.
1949 – In April, the Passaconaway Lodge planted 3000 red pine saplings beside the recreation field at Camp Carpenter. This project was the highlight of the 1949 Spring Meeting, along with the addition of 13 Brotherhood members and 50 Ordeal members.
On September 6, the second and third Vigil members of the lodge were inducted, being Donald Heilberg and Warren Brockway.
1950 – In August, 12 members represented Passaconaway Lodge at the National Order of the Arrow Conference in Bloomington, Indiana.
1951 – As a part of the Fall meeting at Camp Carpenter, the cleaned out the rifle range, staff
area, and trading post. This meeting saw an addition of 42 new members.
1952 – The lodge pocket flap first appeared at the Fall meeting on September 5th. Yearly rather than Lifetime dues were established.
1953 – At the Fall meeting an Order of the Arrow building was voted down after the cost of construction was established at $4,000.00. The offices of Lodge Secretary and Treasurer were combined to produce a greater degree of efficiency. The year ended with a new filing system in the council office for the lodge.
1957 – New election procedures were introduced by the lodge, holding elections at the home troop itself and not during camp.
1958 – April 20, at the spring meeting amendments were added to the lodge constitution with addition to chapter colors.
In August, 3 members attended the National O.A. Conference held in Kansas. The Year ended with 187 attending the Fall meeting at Camp Carpenter with 8 new Brotherhood and 4 new Vigil members.
1959 – In the spring of 1959, Passaquo Lodge was created to serve Lone Tree Council in southern New Hampshire and northeast Massachusetts. The first induction ceremony was conducted by Passaconaway Lodge at Camp Carpenter, to help start the lodge in early summer of 1959.
1960 – In January the first issue of the “220 Totem” was published.
For the first time, the spring meeting was Mead Wilderness Base. The lodge installed new plumbing at the Base and voted to pay the way of all Lodge officers to a11 future National O.A Conferences prior approval of the Executive committee. Also the five lodge officers were sent to the l960 Regional Conference held at the Boston council camp in Center Barnstead.
The fall meeting in August saw 10 newly organized chapters and $638.60 in its treasury.
1962 – At the spring meeting, the Roger Aillison Memorial Fund, in memory of Deputy Lodge Advisor Roger Aillison Sr., was established with a total of $100.00 donated to the fund.
Revisions in the constitution and a citation to Cooper Gilkes, director of Mead Base were also highlights of the meeting.
On June 15 to 17, the Area
1963 – Passaconaway Lodge gave an exhibition on rope making and the diamond hitch and inspired everyone with the “Pageant of Passaconaway” at the Area
1964 – The Areas
1965 – The lodge held its first Father and Son Banquet on March 13 with 375 attending. Passaconaway Lodge, 45 members strong, put on a camping fair at the first Area
In May the lodge instituted promotion slides for Camp Carpenter, Mead Base, and the Camping Caravan.
At the Fall Meeting, the lodge constructed 6
1966 – The Area
1967 – On March 18, the lodge held another Father and Son Banquet. On May 14, Scout Executive Lawrence L. Lee, a vigil member of the lodge, passed away.
The lodge conducted the discussion groups at the Area
1968 – In May, a record of 153 Ordeal Candidates were inducted.
At the Area Conference, with fifty delegates strong, Passaconaway fulfilled its duties running workshops dealing with leather craft and rope making.
On November 30th, the lodge held its Chapter Officers Training at Belknap College. It was the first time that training was separate from a lodge meeting.
1969 – The Executive Committee of the lodge appropriated $500.00 to buy an IBM Typewriter for the Council office. A new format of the “220 Totem” was published. In April the lodge held its third Father and Son Banquet.
On June 20 to 22 the lodge sent 10 members to the Regional O.A. Conference. Also, in the same month, Passaconaway Lodge entered a booth at the Daniel Webster Council
Scout Show. In August 5 members attended the National Conference in Indiana.
The lodge presented an information booth at the Council Annual Banquet on November 9th.
1970 – Early in the year, a new Totem letterplate was designed.
The emphasis in the lodge was put into its committees totaling 10, with a thorough unit elections workbook coming from one committee.
In May, another record breaking total of 225 ordeal candidates were inducted at Mead Base.
The lodge hosted the Area
The first weekend Chapter Officers Training was held at Mead Base attracting 100% attendance. An Executive Committee Meeting highlighted the weekend where it was stated that the lodge had $4,734.72 in the treasury.
1971 – The lodge bought an IBM typewriter for the council office worth $540.00. SOAR programs began on the lodge end chapter levels.
On April 3 the Father and Son Banquet was held at the Concord Highway Hotel. The lodge developed a new camp promotion program by providing each district with one set of slides of the three camps.
Hidden Valley Scout Reservation was, for the first time, home of the lodge spring meeting with 159 new Ordeal and 47 Brotherhood members.
In June, Passaconaway presented its first team dance and headed the discussion groups at the Area Conference.
A lodge delegation of 19 attended the National Conference in
Again Hidden Valley was the home for the fall meeting where the present election procedures were adopted.
At the Chapter Officers Training , again at Mead Base, it was announced the boy representatives would sit on Council committees; Vic Carbonneau was on the Camping committee and Caroll Carbonneau was on the SOAR committee.
1972 – The Passaconaway Lodge for the first time received National Standard Lodge. The lodge held its first lodge finance committee meeting resulting in profitable ideas concerning costs of items.
In March the lodge offered Its services in supplying a camping scene, camp promotion and information booth at the Council Forward Fund Campaign Dinner.
On May 12 to 14 the lodge returned to Camp Carpenter for the spring meeting. Members of the lodge renovated the main council ring in memory of Lawrence Trombly, a Vigil Honor member that passed away in February of that year. It was a first in having 2 youth Ordeal Masters at this meet.
The Passaconaway Lodge was put in charge of social arrangements at the Area
The lodge developed a 30th Anniversary trading flap in conjunction with the lodge’s 30th Anniversary celebration held on June 11 at Camp Carpenter.
1973 – Again Passaconaway became National Standard Lodge.
The lodge bought a $350.00 IBM typewriter, this time for itself.
In May the spring meeting was held at Hidden Valley where repair work of the road going into camp was the main project. Registration 2 weeks prior to the fellowship meetings was adopted.
On June 27 a good 50 strong attended dedication ceremonies of the Scott O’Neil Memorial Bowswain’s Locker and the Lawrence Trombly Memorial Council Ring at Camp Carpenter.
Under new divisions of the Area, Passaconaway fell in Area
12members attended the National Conference in Santa Barbara, California beginning with a day at Disneyland and promising active participation in future conferences in the Arrowrama and dance competition.
In October the Officers Training moved from Mead Base to Clarada Scout Training Center in Ellsworth, a recent addition to the Daniel Webster Counc1. At this meeting the lodge granted $50.00 for each chapter for Indian equipment and announced the following were participating on council committees;
1974 – For the third year Passaconaway Lodge earned National Standard Lodge. The year started with $3990.15 and 12 new lodge committees with an active finance committee with a formal budget system. Emphasis on a where to go camping booklet and 54 sets of camp promotion slides were made. Two sailboats were bought for Hidden Valley as the lodge’s contribution to its Forward Fund Campaign costing $997.00.
During the year special programs of the council were staffed by the lodge ranging from fishing to survival.
The lodge represented the council at a booth at the N.H. Camping Show in Manchester in March. The lodge appropriated the needed funds to erect entrance signs at our new council camp, Clarada Scout Training Center and Pierre W. Hougue Conservation Base. Again in the same month, the lodge paid for the national O.A. films “Heritage of Service” for each of the 10 chapters.
The lodge’s service was rendered at a Retirement Testimonial Dinner presented for G. Wesley Kibby former Lodge Advisor for 22 years.
The lodge developed a regular trading flap by changing slightly the design of the 30th anniversary patch.
The lodge held its First Vigil Honor Reunion and Rededication at Camp Carpenter on April 27 and 28.
At the Council Scout Show on May 4, the lodge presented a day long dance show and offered its services on 3 other activities during the show.
Again Carpenter was the home for the spring meeting May 17 to 19.
At the Area
1975 – The
The New England Order of the Arrow Development Conference was held at Fort Devens, Massachusetts from September 26th through the 28th.
1976 – Eric Helgemoe was elected Chief of the Northeast Region.
1979 – A delegation of 23 Brothers attended the National Order of the Arrow Conference at Colorado State University at Fort Collins, Colorado from August 13th to the 17th. On Thursday evening the Distinguished Service Award was presented to two members of Passaconaway Lodge. Carroll Charbonneau and Eric Helgemoe both received this coveted award. The Lodge designed a patch for this event, a square depicting a bear walking with the mountains beyond him. It was our first NOAC patch.
1981 – The Section
Lodge Constitution revised to restrict “official” lodge flaps to Brotherhood and Vigil Honor members.
1984 – The number of chapters was reduced from ten to eight.
1987 – Lodge hosted Section
1988 – The Region structure changed again and Passaconaway Lodge became part of Section NE- 1A.
1992 – The Lodge celebrated its 50th anniversary.
1997 – Passaconaway Lodge hosted the Section
1998 – A Passaconaway delegation attended the the National order of the Arrow Conference at the University of Iowa in Ames from August 3rd through the 6th. A flap was created for this event, our first NOAC flap.
1999 – The first annual Lodge Conference was held at Hidden Valley replacing the training weekend.
2000- At the Lodge Executive Board meeting held after the Fun Weekend, it was suggested that the Lodge make a council ring for Camp Bell. It was also suggested that the project be nominated for a National Service Award which would provide half of the funding needed. Craig Mills (Abenaki) and Mr. Richard Girard (Gr. Northern) volunteered to be on a committee to research the cost of making a council ring and to develop a proposal.
2001 – Passaconaway Lodge received the National Service Award for work on Camp Bell. Many arrowmen from Passaconaway Lodge attended the jamboree as part of the New Hampshire contingent. In addition, Chris Mason, Scott Bacon, Joe Skrabal, Jeff Barraclough, Mr. Jon Leavitt, and Mr. Richard Mason had the opportunity to serve as part of the OA Service Corps carrying out cheerful service at the jamboree.
2002 – Passaconaway Lodge received the National Service Grant to fund building a new campsite at Camp Bell.
The Lodge celebrated its 60th anniversary in March with Family Banquet. Robert Nelson, our first Lodge Chief spoke about the early years of the Lodge and of the importance of the OA to him throughout his life. Northeast Region Chief Brian Favat also spoke.
From 7 to 9 June, Brothers from 220 attended the Section
A delegation of 17 youth and 9 adults attended the National Order of the Arrow Conference at Indiana University in Bloomington. Thanks to the hard work of Frank Posluszny, the lodge’s website was recognized as an Honor Site after winning first place at the Section
2003 – Passaconaway attended the Section
The Lodge earned the Quality Lodge designation.
2004 – After members renovated Carter Lodge, the old dining hall, Passaconaway hosted the Northeast Region National Leadership Seminar at Hidden Valley.
Passaconaway Lodge hosted the Section
2005 – The Lodge participated in the
2006 – Passaconaway Lodge attended the Section Conclave at Camp
2007 – The Section Conclave was held at Storer Scout Camp in Center Barnstead, New Hampshire from June 8th to 10th. In addition to the excellent training, Passaconaway excelled at OA Jeopardy and was judged to have the best web site in the section. On
Sunday morning, Jeff St. Cyr was elected as the Section Chief while Brendan Bertagnoll was selected to be the Section Secretary.
2008 – A traditional Winter Fun Weekend was held at Hidden Valley during the 18th through the 20th of January. There were 37 youth and 15 adults participating. With three feet of snow on the ground, skiing conditions were great. Those who did not ski amused them selves with board and video games inside and challenging outdoor contests like capture the flag. The Spring Weekend took place at Hidden Valley Scout Camp from the 16th to the 18th of May, and the Fall Weekend took place on 11 to 13 September at the same camp. During these weekend the Lodge inducted 151 Ordeal members. A total of 35 brothers sealed their membership in the Order by becoming Brotherhood members. There were nine new Vigil Honor members.
The Lodge participated in the Section
Our 10th Lodge Conference took place at Hidden Valley October 17th to 19th. Doug Richard, who was instrumental in creating our first lodge conference, spoke at the conference dinner, urging all to help make the event even better. Historic Chapter won the Dan Fleetham Spirit Award.
2009 – The Lodge attended the 2009 Section
2010 – The Lodge attended the 2010 Section
2011 – In 2011, Passaconaway amended its bylaws for the first time since 1992, adding Nutfield Chapter and adopting a January to December dues year. The lodge also hosted the Section
2012 – The Lodge sent a contingent to the National Order of the Arrow Conference at Michigan State University from the 29th of July to the 4th of August.
2013 – The Lodge took part in the 2013
2014 – A new Lodge flap was created to note that we were now in Section
2015 – On June
The Lodge sent a delegation of 45 to the Centennial National Order of the Arrow Conference at Michigan State University from the 3rd to the 8th of August. Because of our increase in participation from the 2012 NOAC, each attendee received a patch marked “Chief’s Circle.” On our return trip the contingent visited Old Fort Niagara which is just outside Buffalo, NY.
The Lodge participated in the New Hampshire Jamboree at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway in Louden October 9th through the 11th. On the evening of the 9th an OA Rendezvous was held for OA members Passaconaway Lodge as well as other lodges which were present at the Jamboree. The next day the Lodge provided an OA Service Corps to provide cheerful service where ever it was needed. The Lodge also had a Native American area which had various demonstrations such as dancing and cooking during the day.
Our Lodge Conference was held at Hidden Valley Scout Camp, October 16 – 18. The normal Saturday evening banquet was converted into a Centennial Family Banquet. At the end of the banquet we recognized our eight recipient of the Centurion Award. We also recognized Jon Leavitt for his 25 years of outstanding service as the Lodge Lay Adviser. We then welcomed our new Adviser, Andrew Richardson.
Truly the Lodge has done justice to the greatness and wonder of the name Passaconaway and has once again proven itself worthy to wear the Arrow.
Compiled by Marc Therrien 5/72
Caroll J. Carbonneau 4/74
Jeff Barraclough 7/07
Doug Aykroyd 12/15